Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Please Assist - Amogelang's Wheelchair

Good day all, 

Trust that this post finds you very well.

As an ambassador for Nnusi Gazi Foundation, I am sincerely asking for your assistance with a recent project.

We received a request to provide a child suffering from Cerebral Palsy with a wheelchair. The child in question is Amogelang Rampopo aged 5, his condition denies him the use of both his hands and legs, confining him to a wheelchair. The wheelchair that he is currently using is what he got from the hospital four (4) years ago and he has outgrown it. Amogelang lives with his mother in Moruleng just outside Rustenburg (North West province in South Africa).
Cerebral Palsy Wheelchair(Positionable)

The Foundation has been out looking for the best wheelchair for Amogelang and we have been in contact with Sitwell Technologies ( , who have managed to help us with a custom made wheelchair for Amogelang. The cost of this is R19 000.00 as per received quotation.

Over the past 3 days we have raised R12 000.00 and I was wondering & wholeheartedly hoping if you could help us raise the difference any way you possibly can (whatever amount/donation in this regard would be highly appreciated).

Banking Details are as follows:
Bank Name : First National Bank (FNB)
Account Holder: Nnusi Gazi Foundation
Account number: 6249 4422216
Branch code: 250655
Branch name: Carlswald
Reference: NGF_(your name)

Kindly email me on for further information and documentation for the project.

Nnusi Gazi Foundation is a registered entity with the Department of Social Development. NPO number: 123 546


Tuesday, 20 October 2015




He said to me “I love you”...
And I smiled and said to him “I love you right back”...
I remember this slightly misty as I was drugged by some flu medication (I was completely out of it)...
But vivid in a sense that I’m able to write about it now, contently so (two days later)...

It was a Sunday evening drive from his place to mine;
Lightly cloudy, far away stars and a quarter moon showing off;
Hands intertwined, and his soft sweet kisses floating around them;
Beautiful music playing but I can barely remember what it was
However I remember him sluggishly singing along to it #Amazing

A few minutes after our “love you-love you” interchange I started dosing off.
With our hands still together I felt his lips pressing against my wrist with sweet kisses, Again;
This woke me a little and I automatically smiled but could hardly open my eyes..
(Oncoming traffic and street lights seemed rather painfully bright to my eyes).
Then I heard his voice in the darkness of my closed eyes;

In my dazed drugged up mind, it sounded like he asked: “What is Love, to you?”
I thought I was dreaming #LOL... Yet I felt completely compelled to answer this
Because in the many times he had asked me this before,
I was weirdly “Hearing” him for the first time (even though I thought it was a dream)

The words in his question dazzled and danced their way through different parts of me
I say this because seconds later I literally had Goosebumps from head to toe
And an immense persistence to truthfully and carefully manage an honest response
However, drugged as I felt, I uttered out five broad nouns to define “this” Love
Which I wholeheartedly hoped he would understand just how I actually meant them

With my eyes still closed, this is what I remember managing to say,
Feeling entirely peaceful and happy even, I said:
“Love is Freedom
Love is Satisfaction
Love is Pleasure
Love is Joy
Love is Peace”
Then the rest of my response faded in my mouth, in my mind and in my heart
Yet the tip of my tongue continued mumbling tangled words of expressions that even I had no idea what I was trying to say

Sadly I doubt he understood my meaning of this (my audible enough response),
Because he obviously couldn’t clearly hear me,
However he pardoned me and I had to say it again with my eyes slightly open
He slowly nodded thoughtfully, yet I still doubt he understood me...
I feel I was concise but not precise enough.

Following his nod I squeezed his hand, smiled and slumbered back into a drugged mode.
His words still floating in my head,
My response floating along yet in a form of lively images of rainbows, sun shines and sunsets, moonlights, roses and stars... 
#LOL (And this here I’m certain was a dream – seemed like hours but I’m sure it was only a few seconds) 

 **Alright this shall be part of a chapter of my novel J#ONEDAY #WHENIFINISH_IT #DEFINITELY

So now I’m adding five more, which evidently faded in my answering him
But echoed right through me to this moment...:
“... Love is Support
Love is Happiness
Love is Simplicity
Love is Neutral
Love is a Choice”

My next post will thoroughly be about precise definitions to these “Love Statements”
And I have a feeling it will be interesting... Stay tuned!!
But even if you don’t I’ll share the link anyway!!!


Monday, 5 October 2015

I would If I could...

Haven't written in a while... 

This how I feel missing someone very close and dear to my ,
when this distance causes nothing but sadness in my 
I simply compiled this in 4 stanzas that only I completely understand to the core... 
But perhaps you can also relate, on situations putting doubt on certain reactions following particular emotions.

I would if I could but I can’t, or maybe I can... Just one day I might let it all out ðŸ˜”.

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

African Queen - Kokie Molie

Someone (not mentioning any names), made this for me, trying to charm charm me... Lol, its a cute gesture but hey I'm not easily taken like that...

I mean Yellow bone nyana like me, African Queen?? well I am an African and I like being regarded and treated as a Queen, so for that I'll be flattered and blush a little bit!! But if this was a "Shela" strategy, trying to hit on me and all, then LOL!! Askies my brother :)

Anyway, I'll make something nice and trendy out of it and say #CantWaitForSummer #SummerCountDown, share if you're impatiently waiting for summer ;)

Monday, 3 August 2015

“I love you”

This phrase I have heard thousands of times.
Heard as the sound of my own voice, declaring my emotions;
Heard it from so many different people
In so many different occasions
For thousands of different reasons
At times these are directed to me, other times to people I know
Or as a re-enactment on TV or the Radio

The simplicity of saying the words, 3 seconds or less it must be.
Unless of course dragged and hesitantly said, otherwise it is 3 seconds on average..
Yet the courage and depth of putting actual meaning to them,
Is what produces the effect it has on people..
Different meanings for different individuals.

They create some sense of expectancy from another.
I personally think these 3 words are both scary and pleasing..
Scary especially when said as some form of a Key to a particular relationship.
Going from fancy to like, from like to strong like J, and then Love.
Seems that Love tops them all, it is the greatest feeling beyond all positive feelings..
When truly meant, it is an all rounder of Joy, Care, Happiness, Faith, Hope...; well you catch the drift
All those amazing lovely emotions

But why is Love made to feel so heavy, to be so deep??
Don’t get me wrong though, I love Love
But I feel that it carries so much meaning that it automatically reflects as being both literally and intellectually heavy.
It’ll toss and turn you up from your sleep
It’ll knot the insides of your tummy
It’ll weaken your knees and give you palpitations at the sight of a certain person
It’ll exaggerate your care
Make you question your sanity because a certain person is all you can think about, worry about and feel that they are all you need
Its scary man, or maybe we're just fooled.. lol

Or is it us the “Lovers/the ones who love” that deepens it so much unnecessarily?
I completely melt when I hear the words “I love you” directed at me..
Makes me feel insanely special, makes me feel like I’m on a pedestal of roses and stars #hides
Especially when I feel its meaning hit my heart.
Be it from my folks, my sisters, friends or that one special person that I had probably been anticipating it from J.
And I don’t just say the words; I mean them all the time when I say them..
But I fear saying them a lot, because most people in most cases feel like it puts them on a spot,
A spot of remaining pure as they feel that’s all I love... But no!
I don’t want that, I fully understand our abilities as humans hence I do not put any expectations on anyone or anything I declare my love to.

Should I tell you I love you, simply know this:
I love with all my might, unconditionally so, completely knowing and accepting the freedom of making mistakes, hence I take our daily wake to right those mistakes. My love is simple!
I love you with your past, because it is that which I’m grateful to, for making you who you are this day – Lovable. 
I love enough to forgive in advance and believe you care enough to acknowledge and apologize. Simple!
When I love, I love the heart that I have come to learn and know.
All I know for now, I love enough to take it with all that it may come with, in the future.
The future that I may only be hopeful for, because for all I know, we may only have today.
Hence it is today I want you to know that I truly care for your lovely heart..
So much so that I willingly give you mine to do as you may with it, simple!
I can only hope and have enough faith that you will care for it just as I care for yours,
Can only hope for the prolonged respect and loyalty.
But do not on any given day/moment get this twisted, this hope I speak of is NOT an expectation at all!!!
Love is still scary though, I am however, with every second I spend talking to or being with you, working on shedding this fear... I mean one can only be afraid for so long. be continued...

Alright with all of this said ‘for now’, I must declare my love for writing...
The therapy is gives me is unbelievable

I missed this!!!

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Friday, 13 March 2015

Time Appreciation!!! **Lerato Ngapo**

For quite a long time I have heard the words:
"Spend your day like it’s your very last"
Doing the things with the people you love or just making sure they know you love them
Sad and rather confusing how this saying mainly haunts us when we've just lost someone unexpectedly (sad that it’s mostly Unexpected)
To this still-mysterious ordeal called "Death"
Be not proud you stranger...

Death, you’re a stranger that we know but can never truly define
You live among us yet we still find it hard to recognize you
You're just a moody something that just comes around as it pleases
No doorbell... No black clouds... Just Smoke, to show the already done deed.
You're so cruel you force us to have to understand you
Yet you refuse to understand us, 
To understand that perhaps we need more time?!?

We're meant to live on such a contradictory world that says we have all the time in it
Yet turns and says we have limited time, and we should use it "wisely"
I personally reason with your existence as being "The balance of life"
Some means to try understanding that we can't all fit on to this stupidly and surprisingly small world.
This makes it no less hard though!!
I know we'll meet, recognize and know exactly who you are...
...But in our own uniquely "given" time and way,
It’s sad because even then you'll still deny us the time to inform and prepare our loved ones who we’ll be leaving behind

Recently, you have claimed our most wonderful and beloved LERATO NGAPO...
A lovely, beautiful young lady whom we've grown to know, love and make pleasant memories with
Life, as sometimes misleading as it is, made us look forward to her beautiful successful future
In the meanwhile, we went on about our 'lives' and forgot to make time to show appreciation
Little did we know that God had his own different plans, or is it rather that we chose not to dwell on the thoughts of What-Ifs?

We went to church together, and she used to come to me for some advice...
We’d end on a note that she should always strive for success and avoid distractions.
I keep reminding myself to not question The Lords' intelligence.
But such deals are hard to be kept intact.
I keep the hope that one day,
...just one day, we'll all get the answers to every single question we've ever had...
One day, definitely in another lifetime.

Heartaches with intense confusions were created to be cried upon,
Because in some strange way... the tears almost sooth the pain away.
I did cry about Lerato's passing, 
We weren't necessarily "close", but I loved her so much like a little sister
...and had always envisioned an amazing future for her
It feels like an unfulfilled promise, an unwanted wake from a Beautiful dream.
It deeply saddens and confuses me entirely.
I'd seen her furious, happy, and sad
I've heard her crazy sweet laughter, crazy sarcastic remarks on certain things, annoyed statements...
.. And always admired her presence, it always put a smile to my face to see her smiling back.
She had a lovely smile, which she always carried around with her even on some of her sad days.
I truly cannot recall a bad memory of her,
That’s why I loved her so dearly (and will always love the memory of her)

Her church life was filled with so many beautiful people, who truly loved her, 
This I know for I had witnessed it first hand
May her beautiful soul Rest in perfect peace, 
I speak for the few mutual friends we shared when I say:
"We appreciate the limited time we had been blessed with, to have spent with her... We are truly grateful to have known you the way we did... We will most definitely miss you, some more than others yes, but we'll all still miss you."

I pray that God strengthens your family through this unfortunate ordeal, that he blesses them with the wisdom of dealing well with it all.

As Bongani had said "Till we meet again Lady Lira"
Rest in Peace Lovie.
 PS: our love for you remains intact! 

Monday, 16 February 2015

Recent Dreams... Of Her!

Ok Ok, another post about my late great-grams... i loved the lady alright!!

In my whole life,
I've lost 3 closest people to "death"
These three are/were of my bloodline
Great-grand dad in 1999
Grandmother in 2003
And my great-grand mother in 2014

All these 3 occasions were the most exceptionally sad in my life
Though each different to the other
My great-grand dad(whom my mom used to call PAPA) passed on when I was 7 years old
Come to think of it today, I was honestly confused
My heart was telling me that this is the norm, people die and we all have to let go,
That its just given and that there was nothing wrong with the picture
But my mind was just following everyone else around me,
"cry Kokie, everyone else is, please by all means, Cry with them"
I think the most reason I cried on my great grand dad's funeral...
was due to seeing my mom crying uncontrollably so(no one likes seeing their mother cry)

My grandmother passed on when I was 11 of age
Strangely, not much had changed from when i was 7, my heart was singing the same tune still,
But my mind this time was fogged by the painful thoughts of never going to see her again
I had created by this time, unforgettable memories with her, during her illness and prior
She had taught me most of the few things I was exceptionally good at,
She was my second mom, and the thought of never seeing her again was devastating.
On her funeral, I was crying for myself, and no one else.

Then recently came the passing on my great-grams
From my prev posts I believe one can make their own conclusion as to how I handled that one
This time I was crying from Everyone
Maybe because I'm older now...
Everything seems to sink in with analysis first and then the struggle of making sense
The pressure of enhancing the strength within,
The eruption of the "ME" that I have grown to be.

I hardly ever dream of people that have passed on
Never dreamed of my great-grand dad.
Dreamed of my grandmother only ONCE.
And last night was my 3rd time dreaming of my great-grandma,
2nd time this weekend alone, and in both dreams she's asking how things are.
Huge smile on her face in all of them
Last night I was able to give her a huge tight hug and told her I missed her
She made me tea and went on about her business, singing her Hmm-Hmm song

Well I know most dreams always seem REAL
But in these last 2dreams, yes they felt and seemed real...
however they had some deep sense of acceptance in them that she is gone
Gone but still around
Gone but still felt and able to be spoken to and be "seen?"
Gone but still looking over us and caring about how things are.
This first dream was strange,
probably because it was the 1st and was just full of pain and confusion
Yet the last 2 dreams were very satisfactory, like they fulfilled some type of hunger
Like I needed them.
What they meant I have no idea, But they filled me up somehow and I'm grateful.

I am super glad she "visits"
I really have no other better way of explaining how all of this make me feel.
or how they just come about to happen.
How to make you understand all of it,
I'm just glad it all happens, gives me something to think about,
Reminds me of the life I should be grateful for,
The people in it that I should definitely appreciate.
I'm really glad it happens, as its a Wake-Up call.
I literally and figuratively and any other way, wake up after all this :).


Sunday, 11 January 2015

GRAMS - Its a new year & you're really not here!!! **2015

You taught me prayer
I pray today because of you
You inspired a belief within me
You were the Master of our tiny family
What are we to do without you???

You have instilled within us
The most honourable teachings a parent can ever instil
We are trying by all means to go on
But believe me its hard
No one else gets us
No one else will ever love us like you did/do (for I believe you still do wherever you are)
No one else can satisfactorily ensure our safety and health
No one else can demonstrate the absolute care that you naturally expressed

I miss you every day and that is no lie
On the 8th of Jan 2015, you occupied my dreams for the 1st time since you left us
It was a wonderful dream, I was *preggies and we went on a road trip to Durban
On arrival when we returned it was raining hard, I was so scared that I went into labour,
You were right there next to me to soothe the pain,
Rubbing and massaging my belly ensuring me that you will always be there...
... And that I shouldn’t worry.
I guess rubbing the pain away and calming us down has always been your thing.
I cried when I woke and realised it was all a dream,
Wished to not have yet awakened, just so to feel your warm hands a little longer.
I cried at the remembrance of you telling me you cannot wait to see and take care of my children,
Now it saddens me to think that even when ‘they’ come, you’re not here, at least not physicallyL.

Alright well enough sobbing, it’s the New Year grams and we welcome it with a Bang J
Mom finally bought her dream car, but you probably already know that.
She was taken by the Mokones’ and I bet you are thrilled at that since you always wished they do.
Things are looking ‘Okay’ except the fact that; we all wish you were here to share this HAPPINESS with us.
Ginah started CrècheJ, still getting used to it... IF you can, please help her settle.
Omphile still makes us proud with school results; she did extremely well and is going to 2nd Grade...
... IF you can, please help keep her as focused.
And well as for me, I’m supposed to finish my studies this year and I truly hope to.
I’m prepared to do whatever it takes... IF you can, please help keep my study spirit alive.
You always asked when I’m graduating, because you wanted to see me in that gown.
I asked you for patience, ignorantly taking TIME for granted because little did I think that you might not be there,
I knew it was possible but I always applied law of attraction hoping it extends ‘your’ years,
While God’s plan was a rather different one.

Well, No More procrastination I swear...
This borrowed time needs be used wisely as if it’s the last we have.
Mom also still cries at the thought of you... IF you can, Please soothe her pain with more blessings.
I probably sound quite demanding, but Koko IF you can, please scrap off this fear you know we still have, help us maintain the ‘strength and fearlessness’ you always attained.

Love and Miss you Always and Forever...
TILL WE MEET AGAIN *LegadimanaNtweng