Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Excuses? Disappointments? “REASONS!!!”

There’s always reasons for not having had lived up to your word. Most reasons too cliché to believe but we take them anyway; some very understandable and clearly honest (with evidence and all) those we find easy and quick to believe; and others just pure obvious lies. Do you ever wonder which kinds of reasons you mostly have to tell, or expect to be given? Which ones you fall for or expect people to fall for?

Aaron Neville said it that “EveryBody Plays The Fool...sometimes!!!” [But think of it with Life in general and not necessarily Love... ok love too]

Every single person in this world, dead or alive... has been disappointed and has disappointed at some point. Not so? But the question is why does it still surprise people when it happens again, why does it hurt them? Some people even kill themselves... in this nice lifetime? Yho! I just don’t get it really. Shockingly so, even “Believers” tend to think God disappoints. Is it Him that disappoints or is it a person’s impatience; Misunderstanding; too much expectations; Denial or the inability to accept?

I think people need to LEARN to ACCEPT that nobody and nothing can ever be perfect, that way I think there will be less heartache, DISAPPOINTMENTS, and hatred really. Because all these negative feeling towards a person or a thing (lol, funny but true hey, some people somaar hate certain THINGS due to their high expectations of them, seriously... Grow Up!!) Actually result from unmet expectations. Erase all of that, think and believe in doing for self before expecting things to be done for you. Know and accept the possibility/chance of not getting things your way, I know how frustrating it is when things are not going your way, but keep calm about it. I mean how can you expect one to be happy and satisfied with your way of doing things when you are unable to return the same favor? You CAN’T, you SHOULDN'T!! How can you expect someone to believe your reasons for not having lived up to your word, if you’re unable to do the same when the table are turned? You CAN’T, you SHOULDN'T!!

I live up to my own expectations, so if any disappointments then I’ll have myself to blame… I think it’s better that way, because only “I” have the power and choice to change that and turn it all around to make something worthwhile from it and be happy. I do NOT expect much from anyone, I DON’T expect anything really… and a lot of people I surround myself with know this, some feel I am weird when I don’t get all excited about something; when I don’t go crazy looking forward to something; when I don’t make a big deal out of disappointments; even when I advise them to not put their hopes and expectations high. I have learned to accept the highly possible chances of things not going as expected, that way I avoid the feeling of helplessness and disappointment.

I think what I do daily at work have also contributed to this particular character of mine that people don’t seem to get. Currently, I am a debt collector, one of the most interesting jobs I tell you; where the collection results are almost always unpredictable, we work with people, telephonically yes, and all we do is communicate with them; believe we can convince them; and then once we feel we have convinced them, we cross fingers and hope they don’t change their minds after hanging up. When I pick up the phone at work and dial to contact a client/debtor I get rid of any of my moods, because I know that chances are that I can either find this person in the worst or best mood. Therefore no expectations whatsoever.

I remember my first few days when I was still excited about my new job, was finishing my first year as a Communication Science student that year… one day I made a phone call to a debtor in my oh-so-happy mood, but only to be put down [like yho, way on the floor] with insults from this person and his wife, my gosh I could not believe my ears, I thought I wasn't hearing well, I was so confused and so hurt because I didn't expect anything like that AT ALL. I cried that day and my whole day was just ruined, even when I got home I still couldn't believe it. I cried to my parents about it and I found myself feeling like I hated my job, I was so angry with those people but my parents helped keep my cool.

But now I’m a tough cookie, I know better and I use this knowledge to my advantage, I use this knowledge as my way forward, I use this knowledge the best way I see fit. Objectivity/Neutrality; I give what I do my best, however I still remind myself of the probabilities and to still remain fair.

I feel I have finally figured it out, I have found one of the keys to MY happiness. Acceptance (the key), acceptance that Nobody and Nothing is perfect.

Keep Calm and have no expectations of anybody and anything, and your things will go smOOth.


  1. I may have to say although not being defensive to what you have just said my baby "should time prevail itself, I would be blunt and say, culture at times play an integral part of having to have a certain group of species living to find satisfaction in expectations or either way being hurt if it doesnt turn out to be". Of course we all have lied and we still continue to lie each day of our lives. The worst is when this becomes times we lie to save the times to satisfy our hearts which of course isnt in the positive line of life.... "thanks for words of inspiration....keep the pencil sharpened and continue to make a mark" God bless you

    1. I fully agree Mum, its all about choice and acceptance. right is not very far fetched from wrong these days and its sad and scary. I thank you for the wise words , and God bless jou ook
