Monday, 7 July 2014

When is it ever Enough? DECISIONS DECISION!!!

When does one ever be sure that “it’s enough”? 

The thoughts and the words.

The tasks, Prayers and demands.

The Pain and the Love.

The excitement, anger, and happiness.

The ‘Fun’. The Money… The TIME REALLY!!!

It all comes to some kind of end, but is it ever enough? Okay, for that moment it may be enough, but then that means it’s not entirely enough, just ALMOST… and almost doesn’t really count. It’s like something we were created with, the feel that ITS NOT ENOUGH, it ‘could be better’. Is that what we call Greed? Selfishness?

Guess one will never know, because whatever definition may be formed for this could end up being added upon, edited, or even debated upon. It just won’t be enough. I think it’s the inability to decide on satisfaction, accept the decision made and stop looking to add it up… it is that inability which makes people change their mind countless times, by this situations are led to being LIES and CHEATS.

Not pointing fingers, for I still believe that no flesh-and-blood-men that has ever lived, still lives and will ever live… was, is, and will ever be perfect. That’s just how it is.

For the past couple of weeks I had been craving to write and share a little piece of my mind… every single day I would think of great deals of titles to write about, but I never could put it down and together because I thought I should think of something better, that whatever I thought was not good or long enough, or not to the point yet. I would allow sleep to overcome my thinking and made myself believe I was tired and when I wake I would have a better title. This made a great loss of good and intelligent-sounding “articles” that I could have been put down for the whole world to see, LOL, but it’s alright.

Mense, decisiveness is one most powerful and wilful act there ever could be. Sad when one cannot reach a final decision. We always think we have, but when we begin to wonder about it, start with the “what if’s”, we should be aware that that’s the exact moment of doubt. However if we can be strong enough to make one decision and one decision only, without wondering about the “what if’s“, then big ups. Except none of us can. Decision is one tricky thing to do, there’s either a good or a bad one. Make a good one and live life wondering how it would have felt to have made the bad one... same thing when it’s the other way around.

Maybe it’s in our nature, these ‘human being’ creatures are unfortunately never always satisfied, I included of course. Although I’m practicing a No-Regret lifestyle, so far so good. I take whatever comes my way as is and change it when and if I want to, then I learn to deal with it, without pondering on how it would feel  like to have made it differently... like the rules I almost always break ;).

Anyway, enough with breaking the rules for the day... that’s my decision today. Sticking to it.

Gosh I missed writing. #GodBless

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