Tuesday, 20 October 2015




He said to me “I love you”...
And I smiled and said to him “I love you right back”...
I remember this slightly misty as I was drugged by some flu medication (I was completely out of it)...
But vivid in a sense that I’m able to write about it now, contently so (two days later)...

It was a Sunday evening drive from his place to mine;
Lightly cloudy, far away stars and a quarter moon showing off;
Hands intertwined, and his soft sweet kisses floating around them;
Beautiful music playing but I can barely remember what it was
However I remember him sluggishly singing along to it #Amazing

A few minutes after our “love you-love you” interchange I started dosing off.
With our hands still together I felt his lips pressing against my wrist with sweet kisses, Again;
This woke me a little and I automatically smiled but could hardly open my eyes..
(Oncoming traffic and street lights seemed rather painfully bright to my eyes).
Then I heard his voice in the darkness of my closed eyes;

In my dazed drugged up mind, it sounded like he asked: “What is Love, to you?”
I thought I was dreaming #LOL... Yet I felt completely compelled to answer this
Because in the many times he had asked me this before,
I was weirdly “Hearing” him for the first time (even though I thought it was a dream)

The words in his question dazzled and danced their way through different parts of me
I say this because seconds later I literally had Goosebumps from head to toe
And an immense persistence to truthfully and carefully manage an honest response
However, drugged as I felt, I uttered out five broad nouns to define “this” Love
Which I wholeheartedly hoped he would understand just how I actually meant them

With my eyes still closed, this is what I remember managing to say,
Feeling entirely peaceful and happy even, I said:
“Love is Freedom
Love is Satisfaction
Love is Pleasure
Love is Joy
Love is Peace”
Then the rest of my response faded in my mouth, in my mind and in my heart
Yet the tip of my tongue continued mumbling tangled words of expressions that even I had no idea what I was trying to say

Sadly I doubt he understood my meaning of this (my audible enough response),
Because he obviously couldn’t clearly hear me,
However he pardoned me and I had to say it again with my eyes slightly open
He slowly nodded thoughtfully, yet I still doubt he understood me...
I feel I was concise but not precise enough.

Following his nod I squeezed his hand, smiled and slumbered back into a drugged mode.
His words still floating in my head,
My response floating along yet in a form of lively images of rainbows, sun shines and sunsets, moonlights, roses and stars... 
#LOL (And this here I’m certain was a dream – seemed like hours but I’m sure it was only a few seconds) 

 **Alright this shall be part of a chapter of my novel J#ONEDAY #WHENIFINISH_IT #DEFINITELY

So now I’m adding five more, which evidently faded in my answering him
But echoed right through me to this moment...:
“... Love is Support
Love is Happiness
Love is Simplicity
Love is Neutral
Love is a Choice”

My next post will thoroughly be about precise definitions to these “Love Statements”
And I have a feeling it will be interesting... Stay tuned!!
But even if you don’t I’ll share the link anyway!!!


Monday, 5 October 2015

I would If I could...

Haven't written in a while... 

This how I feel missing someone very close and dear to my ,
when this distance causes nothing but sadness in my 
I simply compiled this in 4 stanzas that only I completely understand to the core... 
But perhaps you can also relate, on situations putting doubt on certain reactions following particular emotions.

I would if I could but I can’t, or maybe I can... Just one day I might let it all out ðŸ˜”.